Forbid 18 years old below.This product is for lndia except (Assam, Odisha, Telangana, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Aandhra Pradesh and Nagaland)

By acceptig the Terms of ervice and Privacy Policy on our app, you consent to share your sensttve personal data or personal information and are aware ofthe purpose of sharing such information.Please read this carefuly before using this Apps sevices.Please do not register if ou do not wish to share with ourgame(hereinafter referred to as"this App" o 'we" o us" or "our') the mandatory personal information requested at the time of registration.Registationprocedure canot be completed until information sought in the non-optional felds is provided.Certain adtional personal nformation may be requested bythis App for permitting you access to any Cash Games hosted by this App.


1.1 About game

Indian rummyforjoy has become one of the most common card games played in ndia currently More than millions of players enjoy the game on the web andmobileplatforms. 13 cards rummyforjoy along with it deviation, the 21 cards one are considered as skllbased games than luck based one. The only element ofluck invoved in this game may be the cards that are dealt with a player. Once the cards are dealt,the player needs to play with his strategy and still to gain a win.

1.2 What is the objective of this Terms of Service?

This App respects your privacy and assures you that ny iformation provided by you to this App is protected and shal be dealt with according to this PivacyPolicy and the applicable laws. To avail yourselfof the services offered on our game (hereinafter referred to as the 'App ),you may have to provide certaininformation to us. This Poicy delineates the procedure followed by this App to gathe, use, store, disclose and manage users' personal data. this App collects personal data only for the purpose of verfying user accounts, maintaining the accounts of users,completing transactions initiated by users and for analyzinguser behavior and requirements. Along with providing users with the most enjoyable online rummyforjoy gaming experience, we also buid arelationship of trustwith our users. Our commitment to protecting user data is based on the principles of transparency fairness, accuracy, data minimization, integrity andconfidentiality.

2.What is included in personal data?

Users' personal data includes the following types of personal data or information:

1.Senstive Personal ata Account password ? Financial information such as Bank Account, Credit card, Debit Card or other payment instrument details

2.other Personal nformation , Name ,Date of birth , Trelephone number , Postal/Contact address ,PAN (as applicable) , The IP address of your compute,browser type and language., The date and the time of your accessing the site , The address of the App that you may have used to ink to our App, ourphotograph for the purpose of testimonials and other promotions., Any other information that is defned as "senstive personaldata or information' in law.

3.Users' Consent

Consent to the use of Sensitive Personal Data and Other Personal Information

All users of this App consent to the use of their Sensitve Personal Data and other Personal nformation by this App for the purposes stated in this policy, Werestrict accessto personal user information to our employees,contractors and agents and onl llow access to those who needto know such information inorder to process it on our behalf.

Users are entitled to able to win real cash consent to the use of their Sensitive Personal Data or ther Personal nformation by emaling a specifc request to our game. able to win real cashal of consent to use a o any part of Senstive Personal Data and Other Personal lnformation may resultin immediate able towin real cashal of any right provided to the user to use the services provided by this Ap.able towin real cashal of consent by users shll t restict the ightof this App to use ther Personal lnformation for the analysis of user data,subject to the condition that the other Personal nformation used in such analysisis not personally identifiable to any individual user.

Users' providing photographs to this App for marketing purposes gives this Appirrevocable ights to use them anditis solely this App dscretion to dele onot use them any further.

This App may also use software applications for App traffic analysis and to gather statistcs, used for advertsing and for determining the eficacy andpopularity of this App and other such purposes.

Consent to email communication

When you register your email adtress with this App.you agree to receive email communication from this App,entties specfcally authorized by this App, andother users. You also agree and acknowledge that when you use our referal program for refering someone,this App may send emals to the person referedby you on your behalf and the email headers will carry your email address as the address from which such emails are sent.

this App may also access and store such information relating to your contacts to send invitations and other promotions to them periodcally.

Consent to telephonic communication

Any telephonic communication between you and our Customer Support staff may be recorded for the purposes of employee raining and qualitymanagement, as well as the speedy resolution of your queries.

4.Data Security

We take appropriate security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access and ts unauthorized alteration disclosure or destuction.Thesemeasures include intemnal reviews of our data collction ,storage and processing practices and security measures including appropriate encryption and physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems vhere we store users' personal data. this App has a comprehensive informationsecurity program and information security policies that contain managerial techical, operational and physical security controlmeasues dopted by this Appfor the protection of Sensitive Personal Data and Other Personal Information.

Information gathered by this Appis stored securely using several information security aplications including firewalls, However, security is always relative andthis App cannot guarantee that its security measures are absolute and cannot be breached. Data transmitted over the internet is inherently exposed to security risks or threats.For instance,the secuity of information ransmitted via chat or email might be compromised and such information may be used byothers. Therefore,this App cannot guarantee any securit for such information in the course of transmission through the internet infrastucture or any unsolicited disclosures made by any users using the services of the App.

When you register with this App,your account is protected by means of login information including a usemname and a password, which is known only to you.Therefore,you should not provide your personal information to anyone whosoever. breach hereof constitutes violation of this Policy and may result in closure of your account in certain cases If you become aware of or reasonably suspect any breach of security, including compromiseof you login information ,tisyour responsibility to immediately notify this App.

The App may contain links to other Apps. Such Apps are govened by their own privacy policies, and this App does not exercise any control over them.tisyour responsibility to read and understand the privacy policy of such Apps when you vist them following links provided on the App.You are advised toexercise caution in sharing any personal information with any third party that advertises on the App. this App shall not be esponsile for the informationprovided by you on or to third party Apps.

this App has a policy of not sharing any personly dentifible information with anyone other than the entties specificlla authorized by this App,which mayinclude advertisers and sponsors of this Ap.However, this App may use information like your name, photo,login lD and the state from where you are participating when announcing the results of any contests hosted on the App.Such contests are further governed by terms and conditions, which shall beavailable on the App as and when such contests are hosted on the App.this App conducts periodic analysis and survey of the traffc to our game for marketresearch and advertising purposes.this App reserves the right to share your registration iformation with this App-appointed maket research and advertisingcompanies or frms from time to time for the said purposes.this App may also use cumulative non-personal information for auditing and analysis puposeswith the aim of improving its services.

5.Privacy measures for minors

our App and contests are meant only for persons aged 18 or above. f you are under18 years of age,you are not pemitted to use our Ap. if you are a parentand/or guardian and believe that we may have inadvertently cllected personal nformation from your child, you can notify us immediately by sending anemail to our custom services mail address.


this App may share Sensitive Personal ata and other Personal nformation if sharing of such information is necessary ? to comply with legal processes orgovernmental requests) ? to enforce it Terms of service and this Privacy Policy ? for prevention of fraut ? for issues involving information security, or ? to protect:

1.your rights,

2.rights of this App, or

3.rights of the general public.

7.Limitation of Liability

This App confrms that this Privacy Policy isonly a description of its operation regarding user nformation.This Privacy Policy is not intended to create, anddoes not create, any legal rights in your favor or in favor of any other person. this App reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time withoutgiving you prior notice.The liability of this App shall be limited to the removal of Sensitive Personal Data from the system of the App and the removal ofpersonally identifiable elements of the other Personal lnformation.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Policy and elsewhere, theaggregate liability of this App for all claims for damages pursuant to the provisions of services on the App,including claims inrespect to the violation of this Policy,shall be limited to the aggregate maximum amount of liablity as provided in the Terms of service. Your continued use of the App constitutes youragreement to this Privacy Policy and any amendments thereof.

8.Area restrict

You are prohibited to play cash games on this game if you are not legally competent to perform transaction in lndian rupees through banking channels inIndia and/on if you are accessing this game from a jurisdiction where playing cash online rummyforjoy games is not legally permitted. Any violation of this poicywill be considered a breach of our Terms, and as a result your play-rummyforjoy account shall be locked immediately and you shall ot be enttied to eceive anyprizes or refunds from any cash games in which you might have participated on our Website/Moble App.You also acknowledge that the state laws of TelanganaAssam,orissa.GujaratMaharashtr,Deli Andhra Pradesh,TamiNaduKeralaNagaland and Sikim, also called Resticted Teritories ,do not permitthe residents of the said states to play cash rummyforjoy games. ou undertake to abide by these states laws and you sall ot use this games Services to depositcash, able to win real cash, or participate in cash games/tournaments on play-rummyforjoy while residing in these states.


The conditions for refund

1.The payment is successful but not received by the player.

2.Due to app technology problems, it can not provide game services for players for a long time.

3.Due to payment loopholes, players pay repeatedly.

How to refund

1.Contact customer service via WhatsApp or email to describe the problem.

2.The customer service staff will reply you as soon as possible and actively assist in solving the problem.

3.If your problem is not properly resolved. We will initiate a refund for you.

4.Usually it will be returned to your fund account within 5 working days.

The following scenarios you can't refund

1.Recharge has arrived, and you have consumed part of it.

2.Payment time over 3 days.

3.There is clear evidence that you cheat in the game and cause harm to other players, so limit your trading.

10.Termination by User

You may cease using the Services and terminate your Accounts at any time, through customer service and informing us of your intenton Subject tosuch restrictions as may be applicable to Cash able to win real cashals in accordance with the terms and condtions of tis Agreement the Company wllrefund the remaining amount of your Cash Balance to you at this time.

11.Cash Balance in virtual Accounts

11.1 - In order to participate in Cash Games, you are required to maintain a positive Cash Balance in your Accounts.

11.2 - The Cash Balance will comprise of two components-Monies residing in your Chips Acount and monies residing in you Wlinnings and Bonus AocountsIn relation to such Cash Balance, you undertake/ understand the following:

a).All credits to your Chips Account(Cash Credit) made by you must be through the third-party payment gateway(s) made available on the Platform by the Company.The Company is not responsible for authorization/denial of any such transactions, and such transactions are subject to and must be undertaken inaccordance with the terms and conditons specifed by such thrd-party payment gateways. The Company may however reverse any transaction,in which casethe relevant amount would be refunded to the instrument/account which was used to perform the transaction

b).It is further agreed and acknowledged by the Users that all redits in the Chips Account made by the respective Users shal t all imes be held by theCompany in rust for and on behalf of the respective Uses till such amount is deducted from the Chips Account to enable the Users to participate and playthe Cash Games.

c).All Cash Credits must be through instruments/accounts which belong to you and are in your name.d).All transactions on the Platform must be conducted in Indian Rupees.

e).Any winnings in Cash Games will be credited exclusively to the Winings Component of the Winings and Bonus Account.Aany Bonus Amount shallalso becredited exclusively to the Bonus Component of your Winnings and Bonus Accounts in accordance with Section 20 of this Agreement,

f).The Users agree and acknowledge that the Company shall faclltate to collect and receive the winmning amount from the othe participants in the Cashgame and transfer to the winnet.The Company shall hold the same in the Winnings Component of the Wimnings and Bonus Aocount in trust for and on behafof the winner until such time as the User may decide to utlize it to play a Cash Game or able to winreal cash the same,in accordance with the tems andconditions of this Agreement.

h).A cash amount coresponding to the agregate of the amounts in the Chips Account and the Winnings and Bonus Accounts of ll users is maintained inan unencumbered and non-interest bearing bank account(s) by the Company a all times,separate from other funds of the company .Ssuch Cash Balances areavilable to either be played to the extent of amount lying in the Chips Account or be able to win real cashn to the extent of amount lying in Winnings andBonus Account at any time by Users, subject to specfic restrictions contained in the Agreement.To the extent permitted by law, the claims of Users overamounts corresponding to their Cash Balances will be given preference over all other claims.

i).Any able to win real cashal of amounts from your Accounts (Cash able to win real cashal' ) may be caried out only in accordance with the terms of thisAgreement.

j)User's relevant details required forthe processing of payment from ace2three to the user's account will be shared with our payment partners.

k).The Company may impose dlly/per-session limits,or other types of lmits, upon your ablity to perform cash credits or Cash able to win real cashals, inorder to encourage responsible play as well as to prevent unauthorized orillegal actvity. You will be informed of such limits at the time when they areimposed,and will also be informed of any change to such limits. While you may request that such limits be modifed, the Company reserves the right toimpose and modify such limits using its sole discretion.

l).Cash able to win real cashals may be requested by you at any time,subject to any limits which have been imposed and in accordance with the tems andcondtions of this Agreement.Such Cash able to win real cashal will be affected by the Company by way of bank transfer to your bank account. Your preference in this regard will be given due consideration .Please note that any Cash able to win real cashal will be affected by the Company only in favour ofan Indian Rupee account in your name.

m).The Cash Balance does not carry any interest.The Cash Balance is not transferable of negotiable,except to the extent as may be expressly permitted bythe Agreement Furthe, no Cash able to win real cashalwill be allowed from the Cash Balance associated with the Accounts of each User, unless the relevant the Agreement. Furthe, no Cash able to win real cashal willbe allowed from the Cash Balance associated with the Aoccounts of each User, unless the relevantUser has played sufcient umber of Cash Games (which may be determined solely by the Company in t discretion) subsequent to thelast recorded Cashcredit.

n). Except in the manner as provided under Section 19 of this Agreement,no Cash able to win real cashal would be permitted from the Chips Account.Ccashable to win real cashals may be permitted only from the Winnings Component, gamnered by participation in the requisite number of Cash Games (as detemined by the company in ts discretion) and the Bonus Amounts residing in the Bonus Component credited by the Company. To additonally claify,anyCash able to win real cashal would be permitted exclusively from the Winings and Bonus Account. Nhen the respective User chooses to able to win real cashsuch winnings from the Wimnings and Bonus Account the Company on receipt of the request in the specifed form would transfer the specifed amount to the Users

o).Cash Credismade for particlpation in the Cash Games are not avalble for Cash able to win real cashals and the same may be utlized only to gain a seaton the table or in a tournament. Thus no Cash able to win real cashal is permitted by redeeming the chips in the Chips Account.

p).Accordingly, while adding chips from the Cash Balance in orderto gain a seat on the table or in a tournament, the non refundable component i.e.the ChipsAccount,gets deducted first followed by the refundable component i e .the Wlinnings and Bonus Account to ensure the maximum possible part of the letover amount in the Cash Balance is available for refund through Cash able to win real cashal.Furthe, within the Winings and Bonus Account,the BonusComponent gets deducted first while adding chips followed by the Winnings Component.

q). In the event that for a period of more than 300 days you () maintain a Cash Balance and (i)fail o participate in a Cash Game,the Company reserves theright to forfeit with the entre amount in the Chips Account as it deem ft.Further the Company shall refund the entre amount in the Winnings and BonusAccount (ying more than 300 days)to your bank account available with us or in case of non-availability of your bank account details,the Company mayrequire you to provide those detals to process the refund.In case of non-submission of bank account detals within scheduled time,the Company reservesthe right to forfeit the amount in the Winnings and Bonus Account or otherwise deal with such amount a it deems ft.In case of forfeiture, the amount forfeited by the Company shall be considered as Gross amount charged which is inclusive of Service Tax / Goods and Service Tax (GST)as may beapplicable. These requirements and provisions may be modifed from time to time in acordance with changes to the relevant tax and other laws.

11.3 - The Company isobligated to deduct tax at source ("TDS' in case of Cash Games upon winnings of more than Rs.10,00/-in a single game tourney asthe case may be. in such cases,winnings shall be credited to your Winnings and Bonus Account after deducting TDs @ 30%.Please note that in accordancewith the provisions of Section 6.1 above, you must possess a valid PAN and provide yourPAN details and proof thereof immediately upon request in order toenable us to credit such winnings and allow for Cash able to win real cashals in this respect. f you fall to provide vald PAN detals within 60 days from thedate of completion of game in which your winnings are more than Rs.10,000/- and subject to TDS deduction,the Company reserves the right to forfeit thewinnings of said game after remitting applicable TDS to Govermnment authorities. in case of forfeiture,the amount forfeited by the Company shall be considered as Gross amount charged which is inclusive of Service Tax / Goods and Service Tax(GST) as may be applicable.These requirements andprovisions may be modified from time to time in accordance with changes to the relevant tax and other laws.

About Us


EMAIL: [email protected]

804 LAXMI DEEP, PLOT NO.09, LNDC, DELHI, East Delhi, Delhi, India, 110092